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Showing posts with the label Broken Hearts ch 39

Chapter 39 Emotional

Sid- *sid broke the kiss and threatened her* Don't even think about anything wrong.. *caging her in his hands* Avneet- I understand sid.. but you know everything now.. *she turned around not to face him* he isn't my brother.. he have my clips... he is going to sell me daily.. and I can't live like this.. Before she could say more door bell rang. Sid quickly applied his wig back and adjusted his beard and went to open door... while Avneet saw his hand bleeding.. she forgot that to save her he wasted so much of his blood.. she forgot about the door and ran to get first-aid. Sid opened the door giving another shock. who can it be on door..? why Avneet is shocked? Will Sid let her die? Well Sid opened the door while Avneet returned with first-aid kit. Avneet looked at the door and there they waited.. well they are Fainnat... Avneet didn't expected them to show up.. she looked at them and forgot everything.. it felt like life is returning to her.. Avn