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Showing posts with the label Broken Hearts ch 19

Broken Hearts Chapter 19

Avneet was shocked as she wasn't expecting a proposal but she really wanted him to propose.. so she quickly took the rose and hugged him.. Avneet- Who takes so much time to propose.. Sid-... umm... Avneet- I thought you have someone else in your life.. *with a sad pout* Sid- *he hits lightly on her forehead* no one is there in my life but you are a dumbo... Avneet- *gets angry* ohh.. I am a dumbo so you took so much time.. thank god she wasn't too smart or you would never propose her.. *fake laugh while rolling eyes* Sid- Actually I tried proposing you many times.. but you were so busy that all those went in vain.. but but but... I don't want to fight tonight... Avneet- me too *with a happy smile* Sid- he kissed her cheeks and sat on his seat.. *Avneet blushed* Avneet- You made this all..? Sid- ofc.. Avneet- when and how? Sid- You remember that bag.. I spent whole day to get these all things.. Avneet- *smiled looking around* thank you so much.. it means a lot to me..*tea