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Showing posts with the label curse ch 04


Siddharth and Avneet ran to the bathroom as both wanted to clean themselves first. Siddharth quickly went inside and tried to lock the door but Avneet held the gate.. Avneet- Siddharth let me go first.. I have to wash hairs as well... *puppy face* Sid- That's why I am going first.. bcoz you will take a lot of time.. Avneet- Okay then I won't give you your towel... *shows him his towel* *Sid tries to snatch it from her but she runs away.. Siddharth runs behind her... Avneet jumps on bed* Sid- Avneet give it to me.. this isn't a good habit... *Avneet   acts as in she is throwing the towel... when sid looks away she  runs fast and goes inside the bathroom and quickly locks it* Sid- This is cheating yr.. *rolling eyes and throwing hands up in air* Avneet- Everything is fair for love and Bath *giggles* *After half an hour Avneet was done with hair wash and bath but she didn't bought any clothes inside* Avneet- Shit yr.. How come I forgot about my clothes... *in mind* Shoul...