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Showing posts with the label broken hearts ch 34

Chapter 34 Sold

Important "This chapter contains some harsh scenes not mature but still if you are young you can avoid reading it." Zayn pushes Avneet on the wall and encages her with his other hand.. Zayn- *he pushes her cheeks inside* Don't behave like a spoiled kid.. Avneet gets scared.. she haven't seen Zayn behaving like this ever.. *the scene is just an imaginary content.. in real life hurting someone like this is a punishable offence.. so don't even try doing this* Avneet- Ahhh.. bhaiya.. it is hurtinngg.. Zayn- *pushes cheeks more* That is why I am saying behave like yourself.. Change and come out asap.. *he left her cheeks* Avneet started crying.. Avneet- what is wrong bhaiya.. *tears flowing on her cheeks* what happened to you in few days..? Zayn- What happened to me??? You are the one who is behaving like you need pampering.. Change fast and come out.. and I am not listening anything.. Though Avneet was young but her dad always taught her never to do