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Sidneet sits in the car and goes to a nearby mall. Sid- So boys section is on 3rd floor.. Are you ready to shop for me? Avneet- I am a bit nervous... what if you don't like my choice.. Your mood would be spoiled.. Sid- *cups her face* I love everything of your choice.. Avneet smiles and says- I will pick the best Siddharth and Avneet goes in their respective sections.. *Siddharth chose dresses and then went in the makeup section.. The lady staff of the store were murmuring about him.. that how lucky his girlfriend is... One of them went to him and asked if he needs any help to which he simply rejected... Siddharth had a long list of items that he wanted to purchase for her so he didn't wasted a min* *Avneet was so excited to shop as she is an accessories addict as well... So with everything she bought she decided to purchase some accessories.. She was blushing at times while looking at dresses and was completely lost in her shopping for Sid* After 3 hours Siddharth calls Avne