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Broken Hearts Chapter 10

Sid's mom applied a little ointment on her leg and gave her a pain killer which she took without any question.. Sid's Mom asked her to take some rest and left the room While Avneet was still lost in her first kiss or you can say accidental kiss..😍 Her fingers reached to her lips and she visualized that kiss again and again.. she is blushing now but meantime she don't know why Sid left in a hurry.. she is still confused about how Sid feels about that kiss but she decides to forget about it as it may harm their friendship... After some time she falls asleep due to painkiller.. *Sid's POV* Sid went to college where the whole team is practicing for tomorrow's Basketball 🏀 match.. Sid and Faisu are practicing together as this match has some secret moves as well... they were practicing and discussing their strategic moves of tomorrow's match *After practice* Sid- We need to win this or may be whole plan will be wasted... Faisu- I am not sure a

Broken Hearts Chapter 9

Avu- *closed her eyes* Sid.. I.. *Before she could say further she felt loud foot steps and she opened eyes... She saw Sid running away* Avu- *she was shocked* He pranked her... *In mind* how I wish it was real.. *she thought about what she just thought but without thinking about it.. she ran behind him to make him pay for it* Avu- *running behind him* Sid.. come back or I will eat your mango ice-cream.. Sid- don't dare to bring it in between.. *chuckling* Avu- *she was running behind him with pillow but suddenly her leg twisted... and she fell on floor..* Ahhhh... *Sid thought it was a prank too so he left but when she didn't get up.. so he got worried and ran back to her..* Sid- What happened avu.. you okay? *concerned* Avu- Noo... *Tears she was controlling until now... rolled down her cheeks* *Sid quickly sat beside her and called his mom to come upstairs* Sid- Areee.. don't cry plz... *He quickly wiped her tears and tried checking if her leg was swollen or bruised*

Broken Hearts Chapter 8

It had been a week since Avneet was living with Nigams and she is inactive on social media. Siddharth was loving her company.. and as she was topper she was conceptually clear so she was helping him in studies as well.. In college both wanted to talk but no one knew what they felt and what they wanted to say... so none of them got the courage to say anything or start first.. but currently both are enjoying each others presence..each others company... they became good friends in just 7 days like they were friends since ages.. and are mostly giggling together or pranking each other... 🤣🤣 Present time Both are in Sid's room as his mom asked her to help him in studies if she is free and Avneet didn't think before accepting this bcoz she finally knows something that she can help with.. 😅😂 Sid's POV I don't know why I always get lost in her eyes.. her hairs are so lucky to reach to her cheeks... *with that thought he tugged her hairs behind her ear* Ahh that smile.

Broken Hearts Chapter 7

Avneet was sad and hurt as why Sid's Mom asked her to get ready when she isn't allowed to go to college.. but suddenly she heard some voice and her face turned into a smile... Avneet- is it.. ? *Sid's Mom nodded with a smile😚* Avneet hugged his mom and said "You are the best" and ran to her room.. *It was basically a video lecture from her class.. How it happened? Okay so.. Sid is taking lecture and with a spy cam he is recording the lectures for live classes at home.. It is against the rules but when it is for Avneet he cared less... Sid just focused camera on the Blackboard and teacher who was explaining the concept..* Avneet was happy as she had not to miss her classes and she thought before exams his brother would be back.. Sid's Mom was happy seeing her happy.. she left the room making no noise and went to kitchen to make some snacks for her.. *in college a person is too tensed and that's Rishi.. why? you will know soon* *day passed well and Sid r

Broken Hearts Chapter 6

Avneet- It is my 1st time... Sid'd Mom- My god sid.. Your student is brilliant... Avu it tastes so good... Sid you got to resign  soon.. *with a bossy expression and a little teasing smile* Sid waved hand in front.. while Avneet was having a wide smile on her face... Aunty- Let's celebrate your 1st good tea with a gift... Avneet smiled and said she don't need.. Aunty- But Aunty handed over her a cute chain.. with a Unicorn locket.. You could take it as a gift from my side.. *Avneet loved the beautiful locket and could not say No as she loved it in the 1st instance* Avneet- Thank you aunty.. I will always keep it with me.. *with a cute smile* Aunty smiled seeing that she is happy.. but there was something that was still hurting her so she just placed her hand on Avneet's cheeks.. her eyes were a little moist but before Avneet could understand she went to kitchen for preparing dinner. Sid's dad praised Avneet for the tea and left to attend a call. *the day passed and

Chapter 18

Sid collected all his courage and moved towards her... He was moving slowly making absolutely no sound but still he collided with a vase and it fell making a loud thud .. and sid's eyes widened as he knew what was coming next.. he slowly looked upwards towards Avneet..😦😦😦 Avneet (who was looking dangerous at the moment) looked at him.. Chills went down his spine as he had no idea what will happen next... and both shouted at the same time... Sidneet- Aaahhhhh... Mummyyy..... *listening to their shouts someone knocked on the door and both ran towards door... Sid was startled that someone is following him.. while Avneet unconsciously opened the door* Sid- Save me... Avneet- Oh godd... save me... Sm1- What happened? Is anyone inside your room? Avneet- Yes.. Vam.. Vampire... Siddharth- Vampire..? *blank thought* Avneet- *looks at sid and hugs him tightly..* Siddooo there is a vampire... He attacked on me... When I shouted it became angry and he even ran behind me when I was opening

Broken Hearts Chapter 5

*This is just a fanfic.. nothing in this connects to real life... Read by your own choice it will contain a little Romance in some chapters 😍* *continued..* Aunty- Your brother is declared as Insolvent and he had to run away before someone could approach him.. and for security purpose he left you to us.. that's why they decided to kidnap you.. *those who don't know insolvent meaning it means a person who can't repay his loans or you can say he don't have money to repay the amount he borrowed thus he and his family have to hide from the lenders* Avneet- but he didn't told me...I could have helped...  Aunty- don't worry he would be back really soon... *with a calm tone* Avneet asked- can I go to my college.. *knowing answer inside* Aunty- No.. You can't Avneet had no option but to agree.. she nodded to them hiding her concern for Zayn *her brother in story*. *Sid's Mom tries to relieve the mood of everyone* Sid's Mom- Tea or Coffee? Avneet said Te