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Siddharth took out the diary and started reading it.

On the first page their was a pic of Sidneet covered in flour... sid smiled looking at it as he recalled the old memories back again.


It was Avneet's pehli rasoi *indian ritual in which the girl have to cook something for the first time in Groom's house and the family members give her present for that*

Avneet- Wake up sid.. or you will be late for office... *while tying her hairs in a bun*

Siddharth- *pouts* let me sleep na...

Avneet- Okay then I am leaving..

Siddharth- *gets up in a second* my morning kiss..?

*Avneet laughs and kisses him on cheeks*

Siddharth had an urgent meeting today otherwise he would have skipped going to office so he leaves for office. After completing meeting when he returns home back. He runs to the dining table as it was Avneet's first rasoi.

Sid- Shall we eat? I am so hungry..

Sid Mom- If you want to eat then go fast and get fresh.. otherwise Avneet won't serve you *teasingly*

*Avneet laughs*

Siddharth runs and comes back in 5 min.

Sid- I can't wait to taste..

*Avneet serves everyone and waits for their reaction*

Siddharth's mom (SM) praises her while siddharth attracts everyone's attention by making sounds like that of a child..

Sid- Aahhhaaaa... *licks his lips* it is delicious

*Everyone laughs*

Siddharth's dad also praises her but Siddharth's mom interrupts him

SM- sweet talks won't work.. give her the present...

*Sid's dad gives her two tickets of Paris and Avneet smiles of happiness as she really wanted to go there*

SM- This isn't fair.. sid will get to go and enjoy in Paris without any work...

Sid's dad- Yes this won't be fair.. so he will cook dinner today... Is it okay with everyone?

*Sid's mom agrees*

Sid was left speechless- *in mind* Dad puch to lete..

Sid's dad- Don't worry we will have Pizza as a backup plan.. *laughs*

*Siddharth stays silent*

*In the evening he silently goes in the kitchen*

Sid- I will make biryani.. I am sure everyone would love it... *being confident*

*tries to find rice and checks all the containers but couldn't get it*

Sid- *murmurs* Yaar at least you should keep things in right place..

Suddenly he sees a container up on the Furniture... he tries to get it down.. just then Avneet appears and tries to stop him... but when he sees her the container falls down and the whole flour on both of them...

Hearing the noise Sid's mom and Sid's dad runs to the kitchen... and when they looks at them they can't control their laughter..

Avneet- look at you.. you look like a monkey... *laughs*

Sid- look at yourself.. You look like a Rabbit.. *laughs louder*

Sid's mom and dad in consonance- You both look at yourself in the window glass.. *both do as said and when they saw themselves they ran to their room*

Sid's mom *shouts*- Take your time.. we don't want white monkey or Rabbit.. *giggles*

Sidneet both goes in their room and laughs at each other and runs to the bathroom..

To be continued..

Can we make 50+ comments for a cute romantic chapter


  1. Beautiful story loved it.....di I am a big fan of urs....I follow ur insta and utube nd this too

  2. Great story di .you are a great worker .you can write and publish a book of sidneet i am sure that the book was a great success❤️i have a request di,that i want sidneet love moments before marraige 😊😊loved ur story😍😍

    1. I also want to have book of sidneet please make this possible

  3. 😂😂very cute and funny two #bandit.

  4. Katai Zahar 😀👍👍👍

  5. Wow dii it's really a amazing story I am eagerly waiting for next chapter

  6. Lovely story we want its next chapter
    We love them together and you make beautiful stories..I am eagerly waiting

  7. Siddharth's dad is not in this world ,so it should be realistic .

  8. Loved it wanted next chapter

  9. Woww,such a nice story loved it. Please post more stories of sidneet

  10. It was really a cute love story

  11. Di puri story flashback me hi khatm kr di...jbki ye story hmare pdhi hui h....try krte ki flashback jldi khatm kr pao...taki age continue kr ske...

  12. Ahh!!
    Dii plz make it big it is too short ....
    Plz dii ....
    But this 3 chapter is so nice

  13. splendid 🥰🥰🥰 wow 😻😻

  14. Wow !! It's really amazing

  15. aww it was cute😊 monkey and rabit😂

  16. What have you mentioned here is incorrect because sid has no father so you yo be careful during making this chapters

  17. Omg best blog I ever read..Love you Di..❤️❤️😍😍

  18. So cute love story dii Jaisa aap or hum sidneetians chahte hai bhagwan kare aise hi ho💜

  19. I really loved it such a cute love story😘😘😍😍❤❤

  20. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  21. Beautiful 😘

  22. Cute story . Plz make one more plz plz

  23. cute romantic stories . i love them . #sidneetforever


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