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Broken Hearts Chapter 23

 Siddharth and Avneet were finally together again after the long break of Exams.

Sid was worried about her safety and when he saw her fine he took relieved breathe.. that night both didn't slept as both were busy on call with each other...

*Just one room away from each other but still both spent the night talking to eachother on call*

*Other side*

Rishi- You cheated me...
Sm1- what are you saying..? I never cheated you..
Rishi- Don't lie to me... You both are together in this game.. aren't you..?
Sm1- What are you saying..? I really don't understand.. I know what you want but..
Rishi- You know what I want but still you didn't told me...
*Why is Rishi so Aggressive..? With whom is he talking..? Is he aware about Sidneet being together..?*

Drop your comments you will read continued chat later..

Back to Sidneet POV

Avneet- Aunty let's bake cookies today..
Sid's Mom- I was thinking the same..
Avneet- Let me help you then..
Sid's Mom- Sure.. bring choco chips from refrigerator.. and hersheys too..
*Both started baking cookies*

It was in the evening when everyone was finally together again..

As Sid had to go to college *he can't skip college more than required otherwise people might doubt that Avneet is with him*

*Sid's POV*

I returned back to home when I got aroma of my fav chocolate nuts cookies. I know that this duo is surely blessing for me. My gf is cooking with my mom what is better than this..?

With that thought I went in the kitchen and took a cookie and started eating.

Sid- Mom it is yummy..
Sid's Mom- Ofcourse homemade things are best..

Sid nodded and secretly held Avneet's hand from behind to which Avneet's eyes widened.

Avneet smiled to Aunty and then glared at sid (glare to stop flirting in front of his mom) from behind Sid's Mom..

Avneet tried to free her hand but sid was in no mood to leave.. just then aunty turned and... 
*Aj to ye dono gye*

Sid left her hand quickly and hugged his mom.. He left with the plate of cookies

Avneet made an excuse and went to her room too...
Sid's Mom- Take some cookies to your room too... It will be a good night snack..
Avneet- but I don't study in the night regularly..
Sid's Mom- So what..? Night cravings don't ask about studies.. *chuckles*
*Avneet laughs and takes them to her room upstairs*

Avneet went to her room and saw sid sitting on bed and watching the romantic drama avneet left in between..

*Avneet quickly ran and shutted the laptop and stood straight in front of him making angry expression*

Sid- I like that drama.. Romantic han.. *in a flirty and teasy tone*
Avneet- *blushed a little but changed the topic* stop that and tell me what were you doing in the kitchen..?
Sid- oh that..
Avneet nodded in expectation of an answer

Sid moved close to her and held her hand again.. I was.. Pulls Avneet close so now there faces were inches apart..

Avneet closed her eyes.. she knew what was coming ahead... She could taste how yummy the cookies were without tasting cookies..
Guess what happened here

Sid left her in a minute and saw that her cheeks are Red.. she is smiling and her eyes are closed.. after a few seconds she opened her eyes and saw Sid staring at her.. She couldn't control her blush and turned to run.. but before she could move.. sid held her hand and pulled her back on him.. this time the scene was more intense...

Sid bend down at her ear length and said... Can't be Damon but can I mark you mine..
*Avneet's breathe hitched a little but a little smile appeared on her face which meant a yes for sid and he softly bit her neck giving her a hickey*

*To be Continued
No Goal but tell how Avneet got to taste Cookies without eating ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ 


  1. What is cooking in rishi 's mind๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค”

  2. Its Amazing
    Such a Lovely Chapter
    Love it di
    Lots of love From Pakistan..
    Thanks & Regards,
    Tahreem Amir

  3. I Knowwww by a kisssss๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆthis is amazing diiii I can't wait for next chapter...๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  4. I know it is something special ๐Ÿคญlike๐Ÿ‘จ‍❤️‍๐Ÿ’‹‍๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ˜˜can't say but u can understand that ๐Ÿคฉi m always excited for next


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