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Broken Hearts Chapter 24

After two days..

At Sid's House
Avneet- Hey Faisu.. Hi jaan *side hugs jannat*
Fainnat- Hello..
Jannat- We have a good news for you Avneet..
Avneet- Yes.. what is it..?
Jannat- Our college is organising the dance competition next week..

Avneet- oh..
Jannat- What oh..? Aren't you excited for one more trophy?? *in an extreme excited mode*
Avneet- Well.. I don't think I can participate now... You know I can't go back again.. It will trouble..
*sid cuts her*
Sid- You can..
Avneet turned to see Sid coming towards them

Sid- That's a great news Jaan.. Aka Bhabhi jaan *teasing her*
*Jannat blushes*
Sid- She will surely participate
Avneet- But.. I didn't practicised plus I don't want to trouble Zayn..
Faisu- Zayn?
Avneet- My brother..
*Fainnat nods*

Sid- Who said you to go back to your house..? You can practice here and then go directly to college..
Avneet- But what will I say to him...? He dropped me for Delhi then how and why I came back..?
Sid- He won't get to know that you are participating.. well nobody will know that.. Okay?
*Avneet looks at Sid in confused expressions*

Faisu and Jannat looked at each other and smiled as they know what Sid means with that.

Sid smiles and tells or you can say shows her his plan.
*Suspense till next chapter*

Avneet jumps in excitement and hugs 3 of her lifelines.. (Fainnat and Sid)
Avneet- You guyz are the best
Fainnat- We know that *winks*
*Four of them laughs*

Avneet- Are you participating..?
Faisu- No.. Well She is singing this time so I don't want to miss.. I will record it
Sid- Finally..
Avneet- I won't miss it too..
Jannat- well.. he motivated me to work on my passion so.. *blushes*

*four of them started their practice and spend whole time together for the whole week*

*Day before Cultural Event*
Faisu- Sid Avu make the final pose better.. Jannat- Yes.. kind of something sexy
Avneet- Okay.. let me think something
Jannat- Yes.. add your thinking in it.. rest is perfect...
Faisu- Oh hello miss.. we are waiting for your karaoke performance.. stop being in the judges list.. Only I can make faces for three of you.. *with the statement he slightly pushed her on our stage and we laughed*
Jannat- I will beat you with the trophy *rolls her eyes in a funny tone*
*Sidneet chuckled looking at them being all goofy and cute*

Avneet's POV

*Seeing Jannat Faisu and Sid with me.. I just got lost in the moment and some memories flashed back in my mind*

I always felt that I was betrayed in friendships so I never took them close to my heart.. First I lost my bestest Dad who told me he won't leave me ever.. then my childhood bestie left me bcoz I was an orphan..

Once Krupa did that too unknowingly may be.. Well she locked me with Rishi but luckily someone heard my voice and helped me out...  She said that she thought I like him but I am shy.. well I won't say that she was at fault because she literally jumps in relationship too soon but we are different... 
NOTE *Everything written for Krupa is Imaginary nothing relates to real life.. Don't start hating Krupa or anyone.. just a part of the plot so plz bear it*

I feel finally God gave me some genuine and caring friends too.. *I looked up at the sky holding the tears brimming in my eyes* I mouthed to the god who I believe lives in the sky a Thank You

*Back to story*
I said Thank you just then Jannat came to me..
Jannat- Are you okay..? Why are you crying?
Avneet- Nah.. nothing *hugs her*
*Jannat hugs her back*

Sid and Faisu came there too..
Sid- What happened..?
Avneet breaks the hug
Avneet- Nothing much.. just feeling blessed to have you all in my life..
Faisu- *hits sid on shoulder lightly* I told you I am a Gem
*Everyone chuckles and gets along in a Group Hug*

Sid- So let's do the final rehearsal.. okay guyz..

Comment Goal- 50+ Comments
Twists will start unfolding soon.. So many villians waiting to enter 💖
*This one will give you goosebumps so stay ready*


  1. I am eagerly waiting for upcoming chapters...🤩🤩🤩♥️♥️♥️

  2. Cool waiting for next chapter 😍

  3. As always amazing
    Loved it
    Upload next chapter asap

  4. Waiting for super villians entry....

  5. Very nice I love it❤❤❤

  6. I'm sure that rishi is the one of the villains

  7. Api plz post CHP 22 of destiny on yt as well plzzz

  8. OMG....... Can't wait to see the new one

  9. Yes we are enjoying soooooo much

  10. Di it's amazing pleasee posttt fast it's getting more exciting

  11. ❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️


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