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Chapter 35 Blackmail

*This chapter contains some harsh conversation but not mature scene so you can read if you are okay with it*

Zayn- I sold you.. But don't worry just for a night..
Avneet- *face became pale and body lost its control*
Zayn- You know I regret it too.. I could have demanded much more.. *he leaves her*

Avneet couldn't stand listening to this and falls on ground.. face pale and losing energy.. she is in shock.. yes she isn't crying..

Zayn- Come on Avneet.. it is no big deal...
Avneet- No big deal..? *remembering her past moments with parents and him* I am happy dad is no more with us.. bcoz if he would have seen this day.. he would have died again..

Zayn- *rolls his eyes* he is already died.. *states sarcastically*

Avneet- Was this what you meant when you said you will always take care of me.. forever..? *broken voice*

Zayn- that was to grab property.. Your dad was too clever.. he said until I don't get a degree and you don't complete your schooling no one can get a share in property.. that's why I kept saying that I will take care of you.. As of now everything is on my name.. *evil smirk ruling on his face*

Avneet- dad.. *she broke out missing him*
Zayn- Poor girl.. lost her family... but now stop this drama and come outside.. I am waiting..

Avneet- *avneet wiped her tears* if you don't care.. *in bold voice* then I don't care too... I am leaving this house..
Zayn- Like you can..
*Avneet wiped the tears and moved towards the main gate when she heard sound of shower*
Zayn- Don't want to see what is it..

*she turned back.. and couldn't believe what she saw... it was her clip*

*you might win for sometime but in the end good wins over evil.. never try to blackmail someone like this because it is illegal and is punishable with imprisonment and Penalty both*

Avneet- *she gasped* How can you..
Zayn- I can do alot more..

Avneet ran to snatch the phone and delete the video but no.. it is not easy... Zayn have no intention to loose the video..

Zayn- You were leaving..
Avneet- Bhaiya.. why you are doing this to me.. you are my brother.. we have same blood in our veins.. then how can you do this to me... *crying sobbing*
Zayn- Oh comeon.. don't tell me your education didn't taught you that your father means your father.. not mine..

Avneet couldn't get what he meant.. she looked at him with blank expressions...

How will Avneet delete the video..? Long chapter because you all are loving it so much 💖

Zayn- Oh plz.. god how can you make such a dumb girl..
Avneet still expecting him to explain as she is numb now
Zayn- I am not your brother.. he is better died.. well let me take you to the memories of your brother..

Flashback starts

Avneet's dad was driving and her mom was sitting on the passenger seat.. her brother and she was sitting on the backseat playing and talking.. suddenly Avneet's dad realized that brakes aren't working and the car slipped and they had an accident..

Her father and mother died on spot whereas her brother and she were injured but were conscious..

Luckily some people saw them and helped them and they got saved..

Zayn interrupts.. this is the story you know.. what happened is pretty different..

The accident happened near a river.. you remember... Well I was walking there out of hunger.. when I saw the accident.. I ran toward the car.. I saw blood.. your brother was holding your head and his left hand was bleeding badly.. but then I saw something that changed my fate....

our faces.. they were same... I decided I no longer want to starve.. I want food, richness, money.. and everything that I couldn't get because of my poverty..

I dumped your brother in river and hitted my head with a stone to make it look like I was there.. And that happened..

I didn't knew anything about you or this family so I pretended I lost my memory and got to know everything raw by you.. so stop cursing your dead brother..

he left you with me.. he gave you opportunity to be rich.. *laughs*

*Flashback ends*

Avneet couldn't bear this and slaps him hard.. "How dare you kill my brother.. you are a murderer.. you need to be arrested"

Zayn looked at Avneet.. anger boiling in his eyes... *he pulled Avneet's hand and slapped her back* she fell on floor and her lips started bleeding..

Zayn- he kicked her on her leg and said.. you crossed your limit and now be ready to see what I can do.. *he moved towards her*

To be continued
Goal- 40+ comments
I repeat don't do anything written in the story because in real life it is punishable offence.. if someone blackmails you report to the police.. take help from trusted family member, teachers, friends they will help.


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