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Chapter 45 Punishment

Sidneet reached at Sid's house.. he quickly parked the car and ran inside.

He entered inside to find his parents sitting on their knees and his dad's head bleeding a little.

Before he could see more two guards surrounded him.

Zayn- oh so you are here.. *with a smirk*
Sid- leave them.. or you will pay for it..
Zayn- oh pay.. I remember you have already paid me.. *with sarcasm*
Sid- Leave them.. it is our matter... 
Zayn- it was not your matter too *furious*

Before sid could say something.. Avneet entered inside..

Avneet- it is my matter.. so leave them... I am here..
Zayn- oh my pretty girl.. come here first...

Avneet denied going towards him.. and said first to leave them...

Zayn- you think I am a fool.. who will leave them first..?
Avneet- you will have to..

Zayn eyed one of his persons and sid is hitted on head.. which makes him fall on his knees

Zayn- you still think same..?
Avneet *gasps and gets scared* Sid.. *patting his cheeks* sid.. are you okay..?

Sid slightly nods as blood started flowing from his head..

Avneet tears her top's sleeve and tries to wrap it around.. but before she could help.. one of the person pulls sid near his parents..

Zayn- Ahh baby girl is in love..

Avneet ran towards Zayn and fell on his foots..
Avneet- what you want..? Leave them.. plz I beg you.. *she said while crying*

Zayn pittied on her and in no seconds pulled her face up by harshly pulling her hairs..

Zayn- you want to save them..?
Avneet- yes.. *nodding while sobbing*
Zayn- then go.. your surprise is waiting for you... *He pushed her to a room door*

Avneet knocked on the door and Rishi opened it.

Rishi- Hey baby girl.. he said in a teasy tone
Avneet just gasped and looked at Sid and his parents again.. her eyes filled with tears and she looked at Zayn and asked..

Avneet- after this.. you will leave them..??
Zayn- yes if he says he is more than satisfied..

Rishi pulled her inside and locked the door

Rishi's POV

I was so irritated as Zayn had not contacted him since he got Avneet.. he wants her as he have paid for her already... he was on the way to Zayn's house when he saw Zayn going out furiously..

Rishi calls him from behind- where are you going after taking money..? I want Avneet tonight only.. *he demanded*

Zayn- You or me.. no one can have her.. she is dating someone and that person have already cheated me and have pushed me out of my own house *he tells everything to Rishi*
Rishi- What you said.. Sid..?
Zayn- yes she called him that only..

Rishi shows a pic of Sid to him and he nods that he is the one who did this and then Rishi and Zayn joins hands to do this.

*back to story*
Rishi- baby girl.. *he said while touching her hand whose sleeve she teared herself*

Avneet's breathe hitched at his touch.. her hands pulled back in instant..

Rishi- come on.. don't be shy from me.. and with that he pushed his lips on hers in a kiss..

*A little harsh language coming ahead but not mature so read if you are okay*

Avneet didn't responded back and for that he bit her lips. Avneet winced a little in pain and he inserted his tongue inside while rolling his hands inside her top..

Avneet pushed him away and he fell on floor.. anger visible in his eyes... He slapped her hard and pushed her on bed..  with that slap her lips started bleeding..

She didn't shed a tear while Rishi shouted at her..

Rishi- may be you want to know what I can do if I get angry... Shall I ask to shoot anyone of them..?

Avneet's face fell and she realized she can't deny him..

Rishi ordered her to take off her top and she did as asked..

she apologized again and he smirked.

Rishi- I will accept your apology.. but you have to show me you are sorry. Bend on your knees in front of me.

She did as asked and he took out his length..

Rishi- it is your punishment... *pushing her cheeks inside* don't dare to bite or even let your teeths touch it... Remember a little pain to me can kill them..

Avneet didn't expected this to be her punishment... But she can't deny.. she nodded to his words and moved a little ahead when 2 gun shots sounded.

what the hell.. who is killed...
To be continued
Goal- 50+ comments
Tell me who will survive 😭


  1. Amazing ch didi 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. Waiting in such a long time ... Thanks for uploading ❣️

  3. Zain will be killed 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  4. I think sidd and his parents are safe 😑

  5. Sidd please come and save avneet 😥😥😥😥😥

  6. Rishi 😡😡😡😡😡😡 ....

  7. Sidd ko kuch nehi hosaktha kuki voh story ka hero hena 🤔🤔🤔🤔🔥...

  8. Thanks for uploading didi .. love you.. amazing ch 😘

  9. Link ko YouTube me share korona didi 😊

  10. Aapp hamesha twist me end karthiho ... 😋😋😋😋😋

  11. I have a clue about what's coming next😉,
    Nice chapter di, really amazing story ❤🙂🥰

  12. I think sid shot on zayn and rishi and free his parents and avneet

  13. now zyan and rishi are geting on my nerves

  14. thanks di for publishing a long chapter after so long

  15. di plsss plss plss post chapter 19 of curse plss

  16. This fanfic is sooooooo damn awesome

  17. I think I know what will come next. .😎😁😉👆👍

  18. I am sure it is Sidd I mean Sidd has shoot one of the guard..😁😁🤩🤩🤩♥️♥️♥️amazing diii It's really fabulous....🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍😍

  19. Oo kon mar gaya 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  20. Please please please sidd or mom dad ko kuch nehi hosaktha .....

  21. Fasu will come for help 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  22. Avu ko bacaaow sidd 😥😥😥😥. ... Excited for next ch 👍👍👍👍👍

  23. Thanks for uploading sis 🤩

  24. 2 gun shots OMG ... 😐😐😐😐

  25. Amazing ch didi ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺🥺

  26. Waiting for next chapter 🐰🐵

  27. Zain will killed 😕😕😕😕😕
    .... Mom, ded ko yaa pir sidd ko kuch huwa tho nei 🎥🎥🎥🎥

  28. I think that sidd ko kuch nehi hogi ....🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😱

  29. Shouting sound of 2 gunss 😮😱😱😨u r amazing di can't wait for the next chp😨😨❤

  30. Didi your awesome 👏👏👏👏👏👏💘💘💘💘💘

  31. Amazing ch 💯💯💯💯💯... Poor avu😱😱😞😞😞😞😞. ...

  32. Murder 😱😱😱😱😱😱. ..... Sidd no no nooooo I think it's will be Zain 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 ... Sid or mom dad , avu ko kuch nehi hoogina 💔💔💔

  33. Thanks for uploading ❤️

  34. Waiting for happy moments 😭😭😘

  35. Vibha aunty or avu ka baathe ... Miss that scenes 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  36. ¥|=={{°•√÷¶¥¥vhshjsgj£43368
    How can you touch a girl without her permission 😡😡😡😡😡😈😈😈😈

  37. Didi jaldi next ch ko upload karo😚😚😚😚😚

  38. Punishment 💯💯💯💯💯💯❤️❤️


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