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B&B Chapter 1

It had been a long day as the public of Baghdad is not ready to lose their sultana and have decided to stop her.. many of them know that she won't stop as she loves the kingdom and the people so they dressed as soldiers to guard her.

*Night time*

Sultana is getting ready her sword and shield so that she can kill the monster who is killing her people.

Looking at the sky she missed her 2 precious people her love and her dad.

Her dad went missing and sultana knew she have to do something. She got ready herself to save him but her love came in between and said he will save King. He promised to come back. But he didn't returned.

Being Sultana public needs you. They needs someone who can assure their safety. A sultana should think by brain not by heart. *He bent in front of her* Sultana please allow me to go. I will find our majesty.

Sultana looked at him and allowed him to go. He left without giving her a last glimpse of him.

Flashback ends

I should not have sent you.. She had teary eyes remembering about that night. This time I am not waiting. I will find you both at any cost.

With her heavy heart she slept and woke up with the first ray of sun falling on her eyes.

She got ready in her black fighters dress and came out to assure the public.

Public of Baghdad, rest assured, your sultana will not let any mishap come to you. I will be marching in the forest this time with best soldiers and will return back with the good news.

The public was shouting.. don't go sultana.. we will find other way to go to the outside markets or we don't need to go.. we want our sultana to be safe.

As a Sultana I am obliged towards your safety before my own safety.. this is what my Father our king used to say.
I, Sultana Avneet will follow his saying.
I have already found another route to go to the markets and it will be announced after 3 days until then stay safe and don't let anyone go in forest. 

With this she went inside and checked the soldiers. They got with them food for 10 days and a truck full of meat to attract the monster. The truck was main attraction for that monster so it was sure that it will try to get it as fast as possible.

Soldiers had applied sleeping medicine on the tip of their weapons.

It is time to go announced Sultana and whole army of soldiers took their position. 1/3rd of soldiers surrounded Sultana while 1/3rd stayed around the meat truck.

1/3rd were behind sultana looking around and marking the place they are walking for coming back to Baghdad in case of emergency.

It was daylight when they all went inside the forest but no activity was seen. They ate food and placed tent for night stay with fire lanterns so that monster stays away.

Two days passed but their was no trace of monster now they were being sure that it is just a rumour. They were almost close to the other city for which they crossed this dense forest when someone noticed they were silently attacked.

They called their team members who went missing but no voice could be heard. They decided to gather around together and be careful as the monster have already started his feast.

The soldiers heart paced as they knew they are close to the monster. Sultana was asked to be taken to a safe place as 1/4th soldiers had been missing. But she protested saying that it will break them more and monster is also afraid of more people.

She decided to take the lead. She came forward riding on her horse and asked soldiers to form the circular chakravyuh. It will ensure that everyone is connected to some people and we will know when he will attack and we can save them.

They all arranged themselves in that shape and Sultana came in center. 'Oh lord please help us' she chanted in her heart. Time passed but no one came.

It was night time and they again placed their tent and made bonfire to keep monster away from them.

Princess stayed inside her tent looking at moon and missing her dad and love. Tears rolled down her eyes.

It was half an hour later when she realised that it is full moon night. She calculated the time which was around 10 PM that means they are traped.

She ran outside and called her guards and others out. It is full moon night. You all can't sleep. The monster will be having his full power tonight which means he won't be in his total sense. He would eat whoever will come in his way so stay packed and stay together.

They nodded and gathered themselves in few tents. Not later than 30 minutes they started hearing strange loud noice full of hunger and anger. The whole forest was filled with its loud roar and looked scary. 

With the echo of his roar other hennas came around. They were hungry, hungry for meat and blood. 

'Open the meat truck for them if you want to be saved' one of the soldier shouted.

"Are you mad they will come to us next after finishing that meat.. it is placed just next to our tent." Other replied.

"I think we should run saving our life." I have heard that hyennas group on full moon night is deadly.

"If we run we will be approached first and will be eaten by whole group." Someone replied.

In between their conversation they saw a shadow of someone passing away.

Did you see that too..?

The end is near..

I can hear them.. they are near.

Our blood is warm and fresh.. we need to open the gate of the food truck or they will enjoy our flesh first.

Who will open the door..? I can't gather the courage to open it.

Before anyone of them could reply a loud thud came showing that the gate of the meat truck has been opened.

Who opened the door? Will they all become Monster's meal tonight?

To be continued..
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