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Showing posts from October, 2022

Broken Hearts S2 C1

Hey All, Welcome to Season 2 of Broken Hearts. Thank You for immense Love in Season 1 and be ready to witness things and feelings you haven't experienced before because some stories are ill-fated 😟😟 You never know if they will end good or not. But let's not judge it based on opinions and get back on peeking in our cute new couple Sidneet's life. Story begins.. Avneet's POV It had been a hard journey with knowing the fact that my brother Zayn with whom I stayed for more than 14 years wasn't my brother. Though I am happy that he isn't my brother because he is a psycho, who only cares about money. I am not going to spoil my mood because Abhi is coming to see me today. I know you are wondering why he is coming to see me? Does he not live with me? Well yes he denied staying with me. He said he will take care of me but before staying with me he really wants to be a brother on whom I can depend and not the one about whom I need to worry. Well he is sure cute as h