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Mermaid's Love Story - Ch 01

"Sharkkk.. Hide everyone. Timmy is hurt and we need to hide him lest he will be killed" shouted Jannat.

I can't believe that only our little blood can drive sharks at all our places.

I can't help but pull Jannat and Timmy inside the old retired sunk ship which is our new place to hide.

I try to play a tune only audible to dolphins (sharks can't hear it unless they are too close) to call them for help as they are our only lifesavers. They play, eat and guard us. Though being Mermaid is like a challenge in itself but sharks worsen everything.

I saw shark swimming around our old treasure chest inside which we were hiding, each in one box. I wish someone comes and takes the attention of this shark away from here or it will soon smell us. Before I could do something Timmy swung out of the box and shouted hey I am here.

I can't believe he is doing this when he is hurt. He can't bear one round with shark and he jumped out just to save us but nah this kid can't be thinking of saving us by sacrificing his life.

I know I ain't a big fighter but when it comes to my people I know I would like to die with them rather in regret of being a coward and I jump out of my box too. Being soul sister I saw Jannat coming out with me too like we planned coming out together. I can feel the shark smirking like she got Jackpot but bruh it is so wrong.

Shark hastily opened its mouth to start feast with Timmy but before it can hurt him more I take out my hands to let it transform into a fighter nailing fin and brush it on its skin.

The shark is taken aback for a flash second as Mermaids rarely fight for themselves but may be this made him go crazy. I can't process how dangerous this fight is going to be but thanks to my swim suit that I wore today I know I am going to be more faster than shark might have thought.

I took a deep sea circle cut i.e, going down its attack and coming on top of it and then smacking again with my fin. I knew only Jannat can be trusted to find most safe places and she have already taken away Timmy from here. Shark is never still when she is capturing her food to satisfy cravings. She attacks on me with her caudal fin and okay that was more powerful than I thought. I hit a sea rock and my body starts aching from it.

I think I can see death in front of my eyes as Shark is now just 1 inch away from me with wide open mouth showing perfectly pointed tooth. I can't die I remind myself looking at death directly calling, just to help my tail to push me upwards for safety but before I could make it to save me Shark was pushed away.

Wait what. Jannat is back and so is Timmy with her.

Why she didn't took her to somewhere safe I ask her using telepathy and she whistles and in seconds the School of Dolphin takes over. Sharks are afraid of them and in no minutes it disappears.

Timmy and Jannat hugs me as they shed some tears well not actually tears but something precious you don't know about.

If you just visited the whole fight sitting at your place then I think this means you are interested in knowing about what is under the sea. Some of you might think that in what fantasy are you living in like woah you are talking about mermaids like you are a mermaid.

Yes I am a Mermaid, call me Avneet.

This was a bit tiring as the soreness takes over and I fall into deep sleep.

"Just want your reviews on the story start well what is coming ahead is completely insane. I just want you all to comment and share currently no such goals are set and I will try to continue the fanfic with most comments so drop name of fanfic you want to read"

Use Mermaid for this fanfic, Curse for Mystery Part 2.

You can send me characters you want to see on insta as well. My id is @its_fanficbyishita


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