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Marrying Mr. Billionaire - Ch 2

Avneet's POV

Avneet wakes up and looks at the watch it is 4'o clock. It is early for you all but not for me because I have to make breakfast for me as well as for the working mothers of our colony and nearby areas.

Why? Because this is my part time job and here people pay nice sum for this job. All I have to do is make breakfast and deliver it at their place. Luckily my mother was a nice cook and I got her charm in me when she left *tear spilled out of her left eye as she missed her mother which she quickly wiped off* I wish to hug her once again but I can't because she is an angel now.

I quickly go and take shower, make my hairs and start cooking. I love to cook for kids as they always gives me happy go lucky kisses when they enjoy new meals plus their mothers love it that their kids are having all vegetables without any tantrum and they gives me tip for that too.

I am done with packing 15 lunchboxes and it is time to deliver them. It is 6:45 already so I quickly take out my bicycle and start delivering lunchboxes one by one.

I have delivered 10 boxes and 5 are still left but I am getting late. I rush as traffic light turns green but before I could cross the road I saw a car coming towards me with speed. Someone broke traffic rule and hitted my bicycle. I fell on the road and those lunchboxes fell with me too.

Ouch...! I can feel the pain on my knee and palm as they were bruised.

My anger boiled as the car driver decided to turn and leave me behind like nothing happened. Irrespective of the pain I feel I rushed to the car and came in front of it.

Avni- How dare you run away after breaching traffic rules? Are you a blind or what?

Driver slowly opened the window and said excuse me miss it was your fault. Get out of the way we are getting late.

I can't believe the guts of this man for turning all blame to me. I kick the engine of car with my shoes and say if you are blind then don't drive.

The driver step out of the car and says do you know the car costs more than you would earn in your entire life so if it gets a scratch you are done. The passenger window opens and someone from behind throws money outside. He says "give it to her and say stop making drama because I am not interested in her".

I can't believe that this man got nerves to say that I am creating drama. I roll my eyes in frustration that how much strength does it take to take the blame and say sorry. I pickup the money and throw it inside his car and shout apologize for hit and run to the man who threw money outside.

To my surprise he opens the door and a giant figure appears before me. Before I could see his face my phone started buzzing and I had to pickup as it could be more important and all I could do was try to adjust my phone's brightness to see who was calling me so that in between fight I don't miss something important. While he "says Ms. whosoever apologize for wasting my 15 minutes which costs 20 lakhs. If you can't apologize or pay then excuse us because we got business to do than creating drama around."

Before I could comeback with a reply as I seem to be dwelled in shock at how irkingly he blamed me. He without sparing me a glance sits back inside and driver droves him away.

I wasn't leaving him for his rude behavior but before I could do anything or say I got another call from parents who are waiting for me as their kids school bus would be reaching to them at any moment. I picked up the call and said I am coming.

Meanwhile he sat inside his car and driver drove him away may be where they were going. I sigh in frustration as I couldn't see who he was.

I rushed to my bicycle which was looking okay okay. I checked lunchboxes and Luckily food was mixed with each other but was safe and didn't came out from boxes.

I sped up and delivered boxes. One kid who missed his lunchbox I delivered it to his school so that he don't have to eat anything unhealthy or he don't have to starve. I was happy that one thing was done but the new big headache is that I am getting late for my job interview.

Yes I have completed my open graduation this year and I can't be doing my previous job in which I am underpaid and people use me to get their work done as well. I feel like an intern who gets paid nothing but have to work like CEO of company.

Anyways I rush back to my house and change my clothes to formal ones. I am late for interview so I decide to wear a formal Pant and backless top so that I can drive on my bicyle rather than waiting for bus. Going for job means going according to the description of job as well. This company wants a fashionable girl who can look good as well as who can work with efficiency so this is my outfit for the interview.

I pick my bag and all the documents. I have 3 interviews straight one after another so I decide to keep my hairs open in the morning as they are nice today.

I enter my first company for interview and ask receptionist if interviews have started already.
Receptionist checks my mail of being shortlisted and gives me a number for interview and asks me to wait until I am called for interview.

I nod her and sit with other candidates. They all look like ones who have completed their graduation from top universities but just because they have advantage over me doesn't mean I can't work as good as them.

I have fueled myself all these years and worked hard so that no matter if my degree doesn't belong to a big University but my skills will outperform them. I believe in me and know that my parents trust me too. I take deep breathe and say to myself that I won't let my parents down.

As I open my eyes and look at the surrounding someone calls us inside. I together with 4 more candidates go inside.

There are total of 4 people sitting inside for the interview. We wish them morning and sit at the chairs placed for us.

To be continued..

Goal- 10 comments
Do you think she will make it to her job?

LINK OF CHAPTER 1 - Chapter 1

LINK OF CHAPTER 3- Chapter 3


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