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Marrying Mr. Billionaire Chapter 3

Avneet's POV

There are total of 4 people sitting inside for the interview. We wish them morning and sit at the chairs placed for us.

They ask us questions and checks our responses. May be today luck is with me because I felt so good that these years I didn't rot for nothing. I knew exactly how to handle the situations and how to deal with problems and angry clients.

I impressed them with my quick answers and I just hope they liked my replies as much I am happy internally. We were inside for approximately 1 hour and now the 1st round is over. We all bowed them and went out of the room. They said they will call us for 2nd round soon.

If we are selected then 2nd round will be after 3 hours is what we are currently told. So without wasting time I head to my 2nd interview place. Before I could go in for my 2nd interview for which I am sitting outside for my turn, I got a call for 2nd round to be held in 30 minutes. I knew the 1st company is my priority as it will give me a lot of exposure so I head back to the company and wait for 2nd round to start.

2nd round wasn't as easy as the 1st one. I gave almost all correct answers but of course I realized so many others are doing good. I just wished to enter 3rd round as only 10 girls will be selected for it and I think 7-8 did better than me. I am worried if my opinion and interviewers opinion won't match then I might not be selected.

With tension brewing in, I wait for the 3rd round call. I am heading back to my place as even if I get selected for it I will have to change my outfit to a more pleasing one because this round will check how efficiently we can manage our clients that means round with real clients and the one cracks the deal will be hired.

I know I am not that tired that I need a shower but I had to have one because I travelled so much today and I am little sweating as well.

I look for outfit to wear for the final round in case if I am selected and change into comfies for the day. While I was working on an online novel I got a call about being selected in final round.

I am so happy right now. They mailed me the location and the timing and I can't hold back the happiness inside because I feel if I can win this I would make handsome amounts and pay so many dues that I need to pay.

I pick the outfit in my hand that I previously selected and change into it. I keep my hairs straight as they are and tag a nice bag along (assume GUCCI purse is just a normal purse) with this dress to make me look more professional. Not to mention wearing my luck my mom's favorite watch.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and I feel so much more confident. I had prepared for the final round while being in my comfies and now it is just time to make it.

I reach at the location 10 minutes before the time as punctuality cannot be replaced with apology. I greet everyone and in few minutes all 10 of us are there. We are assigned our clients and a person in charge who is supervising us.

We listen to the clients about the project they are offering us. Our role is to select which one is best for the company plus which should be given more privilege to. I cannot help but thank all the previous disastrous jobs for helping me improve my communication skills and project analysis.

We all had 1 hour to submit our reports based on our analysis and at the end I was satisfied with what I had done. We all were asked to wait as the answers were checked based on our reasoning and findings.

We all were called after 40-45 minutes which I used in knowing other candidates and their special skills. Though we might not meet again but I am sure they all are having amazing personalities and they are amazing.

We all were asked to come in the room and results were about to be spilled. My heart raced inside and I looked at them.

They smiled and said "Congratulations Ms. Avneet you are selected". For a moment I couldn't believe as outside the room I felt all of us were amazingly good for this job and now I got selected.

I smiled and bowed down to thank them. They said they are hiring one more and that is "Vaishnavi". I smiled at the name as she was so sweet. The first one who responded to my friendly chat.

I congratulated her as she did to me. They asked us to sign our job letter and then we can start working from tomorrow.

Back to Home
I can't wait for tomorrow. I am so excited to be working with big businessmen and specially getting to know how they crack deals.

I may be can't sleep with this much happiness inside but I don't want to carry dark circles on my 1st day to job so I hug my pillow and sleep.

Goal- 10 comments
So many people are reading it so please do comment as well. It encourages me to write more. Wish to see your amazing comments.

Link of Chapter 2 - Chapter 2


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