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Showing posts from March, 2022

Broken Hearts Epilogue

Leap of 2 years Avneet's life is completely changed. Abhi has moved in with Avneet he treats her like a princess. She is having best time of her life. She have brother and a partner with whom she is looking forward for her future. She at times goes on date with Siddharth. Wondering what Siddharth is doing..? Well he started his own company and is currently the CEO of it. Why he did that..? Because he found himself interested in that and is currently doing good... Well it is not the top most company like fantasies have.. but he is doing good and in 2 years his company have made a good name in the industry. What about Fainnat..? Faisu have diversified his business abroad and is reaching new heights. While Jannat is now doing Singing events and has got herself a vast audience who comes to event for her only. She has become a sensational diva of Music industry. Also Fainnat are marrying next month so it is going to be so much Fun. Current POV Today Sidneet are going on a date aga

Chapter 54 Found you

Abhi stood up and walked out of the room when Avneet asked.. Avneet- are you my brother..? Abhi's legs froze.. he couldn't process what she said.. or may be he didn't wanted it to come out like this.. Abhi- No.. *he said.. more or less stated* Avneet- I know you are.. *her eyes teary and her heart sobbing to see her brother after long* Abhi- I am getting late.. sorry for inconvenience guyz.. you all continue... Avneet- will you leave your kiddo like this.. all alone..? *she asked when both of their backs are facing each other* Kiddo was how her real brother used to call her.. so this is something special for both.. Abhi is struggling to accept the reality or is just too afraid to believe that the only purpose he had in his life.. to find his lost parents is finding them dead..😭 he want this nightmare to end.. but even after knowing reality not accepting her sister is also a big loss.. Abhi turned back.. knowing she is right... May be this is the only reality... He finall

Chapter 53 What 😶

After few minutes Sid's phone rang it was Faisu Faisu- Stop romancing.. Abhi is here too.. *Abhi rang doorbell as the door was locked and Faisu got to know he is here too* Sid- Oh.. *he saw him going towards the elevator* Sid- *to avneet* Time to go back.. Avneet hummed and both went to her Flat. They entered inside with Abhi and Avneet was really shocked as now her big poster was placed on the hall with a little dim light giving it a beautiful vibe.. there was a cake and tiara placed on table right in front of her. Avneet smiled and hugged all of them. After few minutes of hug she cutted cake and fed everyone. She smiled and Thanked them for all the efforts and everyone sat on sofa in the hall. Abhi- so how were your interviews.. were you nervous..? Avneet- Nahh.. I know I putted in everything then why would I be nervous Abhi- haha.. I told you... Avneet- Yess.. *she nodded* Just then Abhi's phone rang Abhi- Excuse me guyz.. I got to attend an urgent call He got up from th

Chapter 52 Romance in..

Sid- getting late for auditions.. Avneet- I am not going today.. Sid- but I am dropping you.. Avneet- you don't want to stay longer with me..? Sid- Stop being high.. you got to control yourself *he said with a smirk* Avneet- I am ready for interview let's go.. *I said pulling my handbag on my shoulder as I know he is a Drama queen too 😂* Sid smiled and dropped her to the audition hall. Sid- Do your best.. *he kissed her lips again* After 2 minutes they broke the kiss and Avneet bid bye getting out of the car and going inside. It was a long day for Sid as he missed her a lot and finally after long time which felt like ages.. she again accepted his love... She gave her interview.. knowing that whatever result comes there is someone who is going to support her.. She was happy and she gave her interview happily. After that she went to Sid's home and met Sid's mom and Dad who became happy to see her.. she told that she is in Love with their son and wants to know if that

Chapter 51 Confession

Sid- How long.. how long will you run away? Avneet- Until I can.. Sid- Leaving me behind.. is it possible? Avneet- Yes.. *she said looking around* Sid- but I can't live without you.. *tears slipped down his cheeks* Avneet melted with his tears but her heart stopped wiping those tears as it knows he will again try to be with her if she agrees and that is only causing him troubles.. so she shook off his hand and decided to leave.. Sid- Avneet.. I can't live without you... Avneet- oxygen is just nothing ryt *she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes* Sid- You are my oxygen.. Avneet- your oxygen isn't yours then Sid- *cupped her face* Rishi and Zayn both have left our life then also you can't be mine... Why? You agreed to spend your life with me.. then why not now..? Avneet- Time changed.. *she said trying hard not to cry but ended up with tears* Sid- *I wiped her tears* I know I couldn't help you on time.. but.. But I tried my best.. I didn't wanted you to

Chapter 50 How long

Sid's Mom- Who are you..? Sm1- I am Sid and Avneet's friend. Sid's Mom- Name..? Sm1- Abhishek Sid's Mom called Sid and he opened door for him. Sid- hello brother.. how are you..? Abhi- I am fine.. how's neet? Sid- .. umm.. honestly I don't know... She don't let me come inside her room.. Abhi- Can I meet her for 2 minutes.. Sid- sure.. just don't say anything about that incident. Abhi- Sure.. 2 minutes lasted an hour and finally she spoke.. yes she spoke... She was talking.. she wasn't just listening but replying.. After few more minutes Abhi came out and said give her some time.. she will be normal soon.. *he gave an assurance* We didn't ask him what he told her as I know we can trust him.. he has been a major support to save her from Rishi and he had a positive vibe. Some more days spent without her coming out from the room but now she have stopped hurting herself.. It is Winter approaching and Avneet is still busy in her thoughts.. I haven&

Chapter 49 Ignore

Sid- Avneet.. avn.. nneet... Wake up.. *I patted her cheeks but no response just a slight impulse in her hands working* I shouted Doctor Doctor and everyone rushed into her room.. Faisu called doctor while I started crying.. Sid- Mumma.. what happened to neet..? Will she be okay.. I can't live without her mummaa.. *I finally broke down* Till doctor arrived and checked her.. I didn't utter a word.. it was like a nightmare for me... Letting my girl being touched by someone else to save me and my parents... Seeing her run away from me.. seeing the bubbly girl all depressed and broken. Doctor came out. Dr- Did someone beat her..? Faisu told her what happened and showed the FIR Dr- her BP is low.. so her impulse fell down and because of it she became unconscious... She will be fine soon... I have written medicines give them to her on time and don't let her remember those memories again. Sid's parents nodded and his dad left her to the door after giving fees. Sid's da

Chapter 48 Unconscious

Avneet just ran from there.. Sid knew that she isn't okay so he ran behind her.. while Jannat and Faisu consoled Sid's parents Sid's Dad- my daughter had to bear so much because of me.. *tears rolling down his cheeks* Sid's Mom- It is my fault.. I opened the door... If I have not let them inside then this wouldn't have happened.. Faisu- Aunty Uncle stop blaming yourself for those bad persons.. it is their nasty thinking that caused this not you all.. Jannat- yes aunty.. it is time to help Avneet not to blame ourselves for it.. They both nodded and stopped crying. Jannat and Faisu did their first-aid. Sidneet's side Sid- I ran behind Avneet as she is just running away in no direction and not caring about where she is going.. She is just in her inner so I rushed and pulled her back to me.. I opened my t-shirt and made her wear it.. Avneet- sid leave me... *she pushed me and ran again* Sid- *I am in no way letting her go and I pulled her back towards me* why yo

Chapter 47 Numb

Sid's parents woke up and Sid held Zayn with collar. Police inspector take them he said but before anyone could approach Rishi.. he pushed female constable and pointed gun on Avneet's head.. Rishi- One wrong step and she will be dead.. he removed shawl from her and held her hand tight.. Sid- leave her.. you are already covered by Police... you can't run away.. Rishi- I will escape with her.. *he pulled her in front of her so that if anyone shoots it is she who gets killed* He slowly moved outside and pulled Avneet with him.. Police had to take guns down as they can't take risk on her life... Rishi- give me your car keys sid.. *he smirked* Sid threw them to him and he pulled Avneet with him taking small steps back.. Sid and Faisu were trying to get Avneet off of his grip but they can't do anything as he is insane and they know that... they moved a little ahead but Rishi locked them inside the house. He was still tensed so he kept gun pointed on her head and decid

Chapter 46 Nooo

2 gun shots sounded and Avneet's heart flinched.. she took back steps and moved towards the gate... Rishi- Will you open door like this.. look at yourself *he smirked* *Avneet is in her inners only and there are so many people outside.. she don't know who else have bad intentions* Avneet took deep breathe.. and said I will.. my parents needs me... Rishi- you open the door and shoot.. last one will be dead too.. and Avneet stood numb.. she took back steps... Rishi- Come back baby girl.. start where you stopped... *a little harsh language.. don't try doing what is written in the story because this is a story in real life it can cause you and your family endless sufferings and even you can be sentenced to Death* tears leaked down her eyes and she bent on her knees again in front of him. she took the length in her hands.. Rishi- Massage it.. *he said while touching  her body as much as he can* Avneet was numb now.. she just prayed that they take her life and let Sid and his