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Broken Hearts Chapter 19

Avneet was shocked as she wasn't expecting a proposal but she really wanted him to propose.. so she quickly took the rose and hugged him.. Avneet- Who takes so much time to propose.. Sid-... umm... Avneet- I thought you have someone else in your life.. *with a sad pout* Sid- *he hits lightly on her forehead* no one is there in my life but you are a dumbo... Avneet- *gets angry* ohh.. I am a dumbo so you took so much time.. thank god she wasn't too smart or you would never propose her.. *fake laugh while rolling eyes* Sid- Actually I tried proposing you many times.. but you were so busy that all those went in vain.. but but but... I don't want to fight tonight... Avneet- me too *with a happy smile* Sid- he kissed her cheeks and sat on his seat.. *Avneet blushed* Avneet- You made this all..? Sid- ofc.. Avneet- when and how? Sid- You remember that bag.. I spent whole day to get these all things.. Avneet- *smiled looking around* thank you so much.. it means a lot to me..*tea

Broken Hearts Chapter 18

Avneet was leaving when she saw something.. it was a note...  Note says.. hey go to your room and find the most special thing there.. may be you find something.. Avneet quickly went to her room and checked her books... *Lol books kiski fav hoti hai anyways 😂😂* she didn't found anything... She checked here and there and she got another note with a chocolate near her earpods..  Note says "Oh you found me.. I thought books will take time lol.. Next go to the place where you find your fav thing in night to  eat and find me there.." Avneet- *next in kitchen..?* *In mind* let me just catch him for once.. I will surely kill him if he is doing a prank by placing these notes.. I mean okay it is cute but still... She went in kitchen.. Sid's Mom and Dad are now sleeping because all the work is done and they have to wake up early as always... Avneet in kitchen What he meant by my night craving..? Cake..? She opened refrigerator and checked but no clue.. she checked other th

Broken Hearts Chapter 17

Sidneet were romancing when they heard Sid's Mom voice.. Avneet Avneet quickly leaves sid and gets up.. Avneet- Aunty is coming.. thank god she called my name or.. *gate opens* Sid's Mom- oh you are here.. avu plz help me with pancakes.. *Avneet nods and follows her to kitchen* Sid was left in his room with his thoughts.. sid- Or what..? she stole our cute moment.. *in mind* I was just going to propose her man... *he beats the pillow near him and sleeps* At 4'o clock Sid- Avneet plz help me with this equation na.. Avneet- *nods and starts solving the question* Sid was waiting for something.. Avu- Oh sorry sid.. I don't know how to solve this.. Sid- Areee you know that.. turn some pages their is that table of reference... Avu- *shuts the book* Sid actually na I am tired.. I will sleep for now but after some time I will handover you the answer.. Sid- But avu.. *Avneet left*

Broken Hearts Chapter 16

Avneet ran behind him because he took away her cake.. While everyone else enjoyed their Tom and Jerry racing.. Sidneet's Side Sid ran to his room and was about to lock it but Avneet pushed him and came inside.. *I am thinking.. why she don't take another piece man.. she baked the whole cake.. anyways* Avneet pushed the gate and came inside... Sid decided to tease her so he took some cream on his fingers and applied it on her cheeks... Sid- Hahaa.. Pink Rabbit She got angry and took the piece and rubbed it on his face.. Avu- haha.. bandar.. 😂😂😂 Sid pulled her close Avu- *stopped laughing because she knows whenever they are close what happens* What are you doing.. *rolling eyes away* Sid- Being bandar and teasing you.. *turns her face towards him* Avneet quickly frees herself and tries to run away.. but sid pulls her back... He moves his cheeks near her cheeks and applies cake on her face by his cheeks.. *You can understand their closeness* Sid- *in low tone* now you look

Broken Hearts Chapter 15

Someone pulled Siddharth from collar and laughed.. Who is he or she? Any guesses?? Okay let's end suspense.. he is Faisu.. Faisu knew something was wrong with Sid today as he was lost somewhere else and was making faces... He has been in relationship for long so he knew in an instance that he is thinking about Someone so Fainnat left and with them he came out.. Sid- Are bhai.. what is wrong with you...? You scared me.. Faisu- Who is she..? Sid- *being confused* who..? Faisu- Introduce us to your gf.. *jannat nodded* Sid- but I don't have any.. *rolling eyes* Faisu- *rolled his eyes* don't be over smart.. I know you are dating.. I can't believe you kept it secret from me.. *making an emotional face* ur bestfriend... You broke my trust man.. Sid rolled his eyes and asked them to give him a ride to his house.. Fainnat agree as this gives them a chance to know about her and Faisu slowly drives car to Sid's home.. Sid tells them.. that he loves someone.. but but but.

Broken Hearts Chapter 14

Avneet was happy that Sid's team won.. plus she was double happy as Fainnat are finally together.. together as if life time together.. So, Avneet decorated the hall with blue and white balloons as his team color was Blue.. and their jersey was Blue and white.. Avneet and Sid's Mom conversation Avneet- Aunty can I bake a cake? Sid's Mom- Your first time won't be that good so let's order a cake..😅😂 Avu- Aunty I know how to bake cake.. I always bake cake on my birthday.. *with a smile that disappeared soon as she missed her brother* Sid's Mom- *lightening the mood* Wow.. that's great... Finally someone will teach me how to bake cake... Avu- *smiled* Sure.. but we will require a few things.. *she quickly made a list of them* aunty can you ask someone to buy these..? Sid's Mom nodded and ordered these items from nearby shop Both again started decorating.. after the ingredients and other things came they both baked a cake.. 🎂🎂🎂 Sid's Mom- Avu we

Broken Hearts Chapter 13

The Match started again Score board showing Red team 01 and Blue team 01 It had been a hard time to score a goal for both the teams as the red team was skillful as well as aggressive at times... Making a goal was getting harder so this time they pushed the blue team member and snatched the ball.. finally making the scoreboard with a score of.. Blue team was behind because of a mistake of Faisu where he mistakenly passed the ball to red team member.. after this mistake sid wasn't forgiving him But Sid didn't let the other team score a goal and snatched it back to make 2nd goal for blue team.. Now score was.. Red Team 02 and Blue Team 02 *Only one minute left.. let's see who will make the goal and get the trophy* Sid was now ignoring Faisu.. he would rather pass the ball to other team members than him.. Faisu was irritated and tried to snatch ball at times but sid won't let that happen.. The other team decided to take advantage of this.. they paired up on S