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Chapter 33 Photoshoot

Avneet- Bhaiya I can't work for them..It is not something that I work for.. Zayn- What is wrong? Avneet- Have you seen the clothes..? they are not even clothes Zayn- You are mature now.. Don't react like kids.. Avneet- I am reacting like kids..? what is wrong bhaiya.. how can you approve them for this.. Zayn- Look Avneet.. they have paid 1 lac for this collab... and will pay more if they like your work.. you know what they chose you because you have ability to highlight the product.. they really like you as a model.. *tries to convince her* Avneet- So what bhaiya..? I won't do a bikini photoshoot.. Zayn- Don't worry Avneet.. I told you na no cameraman is coming today... You just go.. change and take pics then we will forward them.. Avneet- No one will come doesn't change my answer.. Those pictures will be shared to the whole world.. I am not working for them.. *First of all this is a story and still I am not judging anyone on the basis of their cloth

Chapter 32 Moving on

I reached back home.. parked the car and wiped my eyes.. I applied a little makeup to hide marks of tears and went in my flat.. Zayn- What took you so long? Avneet- I met one of my friend and we went to get a dessert.. Zayn- Oh.. its okay.. sleep for tonight... we will do the shoot tomorrow.. *Avneet nodded* Zayn- I brought these new makeup and face products for you.. it will give you instant glow.. take your time for tomorrow's photoshoot and let me know when you are ready.. okay? *I nodded and went to my room* *Avneet's POV* I locked the room and started crying again.. Memories rolling in front of my eyes.. I didn't knew when I slept as my eyes went blurry and red.. Next day in Morning I woke up.. I was feeling cold and my body was shivering because I slept on floor itself.. I remembered what he did but before tears could start flowing.. I wiped them Avneet- Its a new day.. let's start with new beginnings too... forget the past *I said to myself

Broken Hearts Chapter 31

Avneet's POV Avneet- I took my car keys secretly and drove to Sid's place.. I smashed the door open as I want my answers.. Why he lied to me..? Not once but so many times.. I trusted him blindly and he kept on lying.. Avneet- Sid.. Sid.. *I shouted* Listening to my voice Sid's parents and he came out.. Sid's Mom cupped my face lovingly.. and said she Missed me.. An unknown smile appeared on my face which soon lost somewhere.. Avneet- *I removed her hands and asked* Why you did this to me..? Sid's mom- What happened beta..? Did I or Sid hurt you? If he did then tell me I will scold him too.. *Sid came downstairs too and hugged me.. he said I missed you* Avneet- *I became emotional* You missed me..? *I asked without realizing what I said* Sid- Yes we all did.. Come... Let's eat your baked cookies together.. I always eat them since you left.. *love visible in every word and his eyes but my heart again questioned why he lied* I shook off his hand f

Broken Hearts Chapter 30

Heard of time flies away.. but I am experiencing it everyday... we have been together for almost a year now.. yes from Start day of college to when we are having final exams in few days.. I will have to leave Siddharth but this time I won't be coming back.. I don't have any reason to go back... Don't take it wrong yes we are dating.. but what will I say to bhai that where am I going.. My thoughts were cut of by Siddharth.. sid- Are you done with Accounts.. Avneet- Yes.. Sid- Good.. read BST now.. *he handed me a book* Avneet- *I took the book and held his hand* Sid- What happened? Avneet- I will miss you.. *my eyes are teary now* Sid- Shushh.. Don't cry... whenever you wish to talk you can call me.. whenever you want you can come to me... or call me I will be there.. *he hugged her* shusshhh calm down.. I don't know how to stop tears when your heart is heavy.. I will miss him so much... I want to go to my brother too but leaving them is painful too.

Broken Hearts Chapter 29

As planned Sid took Avneet in Burkha with her.. which covered her face... But as expected Rishi was waiting for suspicious people to leave college on the gate itself.. Rishi- Hey Sid.. didn't saw you in the party bro.. Sid- same.. where were you? Rishi- On the front seat.. Sid- Oh that's why.. I was sitting with Faisu on the last seat.. Rishi- btw.. who is she...? Hello babe.. Sid- don't call her that.. Rishi- Come on bro.. *hits on his chest* you take things on heart.. Sid- Nevermind.. we are getting late.. people are leaving and we want to go too.. Rishi- Come on.. come to a side... *Pulls him to the other side and with Sid comes Avneet in Burkha too* Rishi- Hello babe.. my name is Rishi.. what is yours.. Sid- *gets angry and pushes him a little bit* I said na she is not interested in you.. let us go... Rishi- Did I even ask you *in an angry tone* Avneet ryt..? Sid's face colour drained.. he pulled Avneet with him in order to leave but Rishi stopped them.. Rishi-

Broken Hearts Chapter 28

Rishi is just 2 steps away from the table and he says.. Rishi- Here you are.. *raising his both hands in a way to capture her* But before he could move more or see if someone is there or not.. Abhishek came.. Abhi- what are you doing here..? Rishi- Vo.. actually.. I was.. *confused what to say* Abhi- Leave right now.. Rishi- *being bold* stop giving me orders.. do you know who I am..? Abhi- I don't care.. *showing same attitude* Rishi- Shut up.. *he moved towards the table again but Abhi held him with his collar and dragged him away* Rishi- how the hell.. you are behaving like this to me.. *pulling Abhi with his collars* Abhi- I am the person who is charged with backstage duty... If you misbehave remember I am allotted 2 guards too.. Rishi- *leaves his collar* oh bro.. I didn't knew.. Abhi- Great.. now you know so leave.. Rishi- Actually I dropped my chain in that trophy corner.. I need to get it back.. Abhi- Oh there.. Rishi- Yes.. Abhi- I will see.. Rishi- Don't wo

Broken Hearts Chapter 27

Rishi's POV I know Avneet and that boy must be at backstage.. so I quickly ran to the backstage.. I kicked the door giving no chance to them to hide and door smashed open.. To my surprise there was no one inside.. Sidneet POV We knew Rishi was behind us so we were prepared.. We decided that  Sid will hide in the changing room and I inside the trophy table.. well I know you must be thinking how can someone hide in a table.. so yes it is a two sided table in which we have removed the wooden plates of one side so one can easily hide inside it.. Avneet's POV I know sid did it all for me.. and I am safe but I am scared for sid because I know Rishi will surely open all the changing room doors and there he will find sid and will know that he was my partner.. *Back to story* Rishi- hey I know you both are here so come out asap.. *No reply* No answer means you guyz are afraid to face me.. it's okay... I will search for you.. and with that Rishi started opening doors of changing