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Chapter 45 Punishment

Sidneet reached at Sid's house.. he quickly parked the car and ran inside. He entered inside to find his parents sitting on their knees and his dad's head bleeding a little. Before he could see more two guards surrounded him. Zayn- oh so you are here.. *with a smirk* Sid- leave them.. or you will pay for it.. Zayn- oh pay.. I remember you have already paid me.. *with sarcasm* Sid- Leave them.. it is our matter...  Zayn- it was not your matter too *furious* Before sid could say something.. Avneet entered inside.. Avneet- it is my matter.. so leave them... I am here.. Zayn- oh my pretty girl.. come here first... Avneet denied going towards him.. and said first to leave them... Zayn- you think I am a fool.. who will leave them first..? Avneet- you will have to.. Zayn eyed one of his persons and sid is hitted on head.. which makes him fall on his knees Zayn- you still think same..? Avneet *gasps and gets scared* Sid.. *patting his cheeks* sid.. are you okay..? Sid slightly no

Chapter 44 Revenge

Sid and Avneet smiled as Zayn's chapter was finally over from their life but they knew that Zayn will not forgive this but they didn't wanted to spoil their present by thinking about future so they ignored it. Avneet was so happy that she is safe now. She baked cookies and decided to make a surprise for his mom and dad as she really wants to apologize to them for her behaviour... She made some cards and baked cookies with small message cards inside.. Arranging and making all these consumed her whole day so both decided to go next day and slept after having dinner. Avneet was so excited as she is finally going to meet his mom again.. she is such a sweetheart that thinking about her she is already forgetting everything else. Next day both woke up on time and did their morning chores and after that got ready.. Avneet wore a cute crop top and jeans.. while sid wore blue shirt and jeans (he was staying here for few days so faisu bought him his clothes). Avneet and sid both took

Chapter 43 Psycho

Sid Laughed and Avneet started beating him.. you are a psycho.. she said with a smile.. Sid- Only for you.. and without any warning placed his lips on hers.. Avneet wanted this too and soon both were into a deep kiss.. Avneet- I missed you.. Sid- I missed you too.. Sid broke the kiss and kissed her forehead.. Sid- Don't worry.. I won't do anything... Avneet- *smiled and started teasing him* Huh.. I made my plans just to cancel.. anyways... it happens when you are dating Siddharth Nigam.. *chuckles* Sid smirked and said if you have plans then how can I cancel.. *he picked her in bridal style and took her in her room* Avneet- Sid.. I was kidding.. leave me.. *she hitted his abs and laughed* Sid- but I am not.. If you are with me.. I am always ready.. morning noon or night.. Avneet blushed Avneet- You just said you won't cross limits.. ryt..? Sid- I didn't said.. I won't extend my limits *smirks* Avneet blushes more and sid places her on bed.

Chapter 42 Say Yes

Janneet and Sidsu woke up in the morning.. Siddharth asked them to go back to their home as Jannat's parents must be waiting for her and Faisu will drop her back. They nodded and left after a final group hug. Avneet and Siddharth quickly freshen up and start making breakfast. Siddharth transferred another 20 lakh to Zayn's account so that they can spend 2 more nights together without any interruption. They both sat on dining table and just then someone knocked on the door. Sid went to open the door after applying his wig and beard and it was Zayn on the door. Avneet face fell and Zayn entered inside. Your time is over.. hope you enjoyed he said. Sid- Stop this shit.. I just transferred you 20 lac more.. check your account balance he said. Zayn- what... *being shocked* Sid- Yes.. I like her.. I want 2 more nights with full days too so I paid more.. Zayn- *he smiled wide knowing he earned 30 lac without anything* let me take my phone.. I think I forgot it here.

Chapter 41 Kiss

Sid- its an unknown number.. don't pick... may be he knows his phone is lost.. Faisu- what to do now..? Sid- just don't pick.. he will think it fell on road.. Avneet- What if he came back home to check? Sid- he won't.. Avneet- why? Sid- bcoz I clearly said.. I don't want any interruptions when I am with you.. *making Avneet blush* Fainnat- Ahem.. ahem... Jannat- I think we spoiled someone's night plans Faisu.. Faisu- huh.. He spoiled my plans baby *teasing Jannat* Jannat Blushed and Faisu hugged her Avneet adored them while Sid again got busy on laptop.. after 15 minutes of hard work it was unlocked.. Sid- Uff.. I am done.. Faisu- let's check how many cameras are here and from where he purchased them.. Sid nodded and opened the apps and got the details.. Sid- there was only one camera and you have taken it out.. Faisu- These cameras are not allowed to be sold.. easy to catch the seller.. *he dialed a few numbers and asked them to find thi

Chapter 40 New Shock

Sid said everything will be alright and showed her the phone Faisu gave her.. Avneet- It is Zayn's phone.. *shocked* Sid- Ryt.. Avneet- how did you..? Faisu- I just gave it to him idiot.. *hits her head lightly and laughs* Avneet- *looks at Faisu* but how..? Faisu- Just the charisma of my Love.. *pointing at Jannat* Avneet was now confused.. Avneet- What you did Jannat..?? Jannat- Waise to.. I wanted to kick that bastard and snatch the phone but okay.. I just pretended him to be Faisu and kept on showing him my pictures.. he being a big idiot continued walking with me.. meanwhile Faisu took the phone.. then he stopped Zayn and I said him sorry for holding his hand and left.. Faisu- Such a dumb ass.. Avneet chuckled.. Jannat is beauty with brain.. Sid and Fainnat all relaxed seeing her smile.. Faisu- Keep on smiling like this.. I can't see you cry.. you are no less than a sister to me.. so if anyone.. I mean anyone including sid.. if anyone hurts you... call

Chapter 39 Emotional

Sid- *sid broke the kiss and threatened her* Don't even think about anything wrong.. *caging her in his hands* Avneet- I understand sid.. but you know everything now.. *she turned around not to face him* he isn't my brother.. he have my clips... he is going to sell me daily.. and I can't live like this.. Before she could say more door bell rang. Sid quickly applied his wig back and adjusted his beard and went to open door... while Avneet saw his hand bleeding.. she forgot that to save her he wasted so much of his blood.. she forgot about the door and ran to get first-aid. Sid opened the door giving another shock. who can it be on door..? why Avneet is shocked? Will Sid let her die? Well Sid opened the door while Avneet returned with first-aid kit. Avneet looked at the door and there they waited.. well they are Fainnat... Avneet didn't expected them to show up.. she looked at them and forgot everything.. it felt like life is returning to her.. Avn