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Mermaid's Love Story - Ch 01

"Sharkkk.. Hide everyone. Timmy is hurt and we need to hide him lest he will be killed" shouted Jannat. I can't believe that only our little blood can drive sharks at all our places. I can't help but pull Jannat and Timmy inside the old retired sunk ship which is our new place to hide. I try to play a tune only audible to dolphins (sharks can't hear it unless they are too close) to call them for help as they are our only lifesavers. They play, eat and guard us. Though being Mermaid is like a challenge in itself but sharks worsen everything. I saw shark swimming around our old treasure chest inside which we were hiding, each in one box. I wish someone comes and takes the attention of this shark away from here or it will soon smell us. Before I could do something Timmy swung out of the box and shouted hey I am here. I can't believe he is doing this when he is hurt. He can't bear one round with shark and he jumped out just to save us but nah this kid ca

Marrying Mr. Billionaire Chapter 1

Avneet, 21 year old girl, an orphan. She lost her parents in a car accident at the age of 15 and had been working since then. She had to drop out of her college in 2nd semester and even while studying she had to do some part time jobs for her expenses. Siddharth Nigam, 23, the CEO of Nigam enterprises and the richest person of Amsterdam. He is known as Cold hearted CEO because he never cares for anyone and if he cares you can't read it on his face. Time is money for him and he hates if someone wastes his time... This fact doesn't change even for his family members. Not knowing how their life will turn out both focuses on their real life work and schedules. Neither is Avneet interested in LOVE because she thinks whoever she will love will not stay in her life or will suffer so she hates making friends. Siddharth do have a flirty bestfriend but the fact that he is loyal and faithful makes him more close to sid. Sid however can make anyone feel inferior and small in front of

Broken Hearts S2 C1

Hey All, Welcome to Season 2 of Broken Hearts. Thank You for immense Love in Season 1 and be ready to witness things and feelings you haven't experienced before because some stories are ill-fated 😟😟 You never know if they will end good or not. But let's not judge it based on opinions and get back on peeking in our cute new couple Sidneet's life. Story begins.. Avneet's POV It had been a hard journey with knowing the fact that my brother Zayn with whom I stayed for more than 14 years wasn't my brother. Though I am happy that he isn't my brother because he is a psycho, who only cares about money. I am not going to spoil my mood because Abhi is coming to see me today. I know you are wondering why he is coming to see me? Does he not live with me? Well yes he denied staying with me. He said he will take care of me but before staying with me he really wants to be a brother on whom I can depend and not the one about whom I need to worry. Well he is sure cute as h

B&B Chapter 1

It had been a long day as the public of Baghdad is not ready to lose their sultana and have decided to stop her.. many of them know that she won't stop as she loves the kingdom and the people so they dressed as soldiers to guard her. *Night time* Sultana is getting ready her sword and shield so that she can kill the monster who is killing her people. Looking at the sky she missed her 2 precious people her love and her dad. Her dad went missing and sultana knew she have to do something. She got ready herself to save him but her love came in between and said he will save King. He promised to come back. But he didn't returned. Being Sultana public needs you. They needs someone who can assure their safety. A sultana should think by brain not by heart. *He bent in front of her* Sultana please allow me to go. I will find our majesty. Sultana looked at him and allowed him to go. He left without giving her a last glimpse of him. Flashback ends I should not have sent you.. She

Beauty and Beast Intro

Sultana Avneet ki jai ho *scene of Avneet attending her people* Who is Avneet? Is she keeping her people happy and what this story is about? Let's find out Avneet had been a kind and generous Sultana of Baghdad since her father's demise.. But... Since past one week.. people going outside Baghdad for trade are not returning and Sultana is tensed about their missing complaints.. Avneet in her Palace talking with her most trusted persons Avneet- Did you sent anyone to know what is wrong and why the people are  getting missing day by day..? Zafar- Sultana there is a big and dense forest in between the two places from where the people are getting missing.. Avneet - You mean Wild animals attacked them? *Raising eyebrow* Zafar- May be.. Avneet - Then what happened to the team you sent to check on it..? Zafar- I am sorry Sultana.. that team didn't returned back.. *bowing his head down* * Avneet  gets angry* Avneet - You are telling me this now..? Zafar- Sorry sultana we we

Broken Hearts Epilogue

Leap of 2 years Avneet's life is completely changed. Abhi has moved in with Avneet he treats her like a princess. She is having best time of her life. She have brother and a partner with whom she is looking forward for her future. She at times goes on date with Siddharth. Wondering what Siddharth is doing..? Well he started his own company and is currently the CEO of it. Why he did that..? Because he found himself interested in that and is currently doing good... Well it is not the top most company like fantasies have.. but he is doing good and in 2 years his company have made a good name in the industry. What about Fainnat..? Faisu have diversified his business abroad and is reaching new heights. While Jannat is now doing Singing events and has got herself a vast audience who comes to event for her only. She has become a sensational diva of Music industry. Also Fainnat are marrying next month so it is going to be so much Fun. Current POV Today Sidneet are going on a date aga

Chapter 54 Found you

Abhi stood up and walked out of the room when Avneet asked.. Avneet- are you my brother..? Abhi's legs froze.. he couldn't process what she said.. or may be he didn't wanted it to come out like this.. Abhi- No.. *he said.. more or less stated* Avneet- I know you are.. *her eyes teary and her heart sobbing to see her brother after long* Abhi- I am getting late.. sorry for inconvenience guyz.. you all continue... Avneet- will you leave your kiddo like this.. all alone..? *she asked when both of their backs are facing each other* Kiddo was how her real brother used to call her.. so this is something special for both.. Abhi is struggling to accept the reality or is just too afraid to believe that the only purpose he had in his life.. to find his lost parents is finding them dead..😭 he want this nightmare to end.. but even after knowing reality not accepting her sister is also a big loss.. Abhi turned back.. knowing she is right... May be this is the only reality... He finall