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Broken Hearts Chapter 23

 Siddharth and Avneet were finally together again after the long break of Exams. Sid was worried about her safety and when he saw her fine he took relieved breathe.. that night both didn't slept as both were busy on call with each other... *Just one room away from each other but still both spent the night talking to eachother on call* *Other side* Rishi- You cheated me... Sm1- what are you saying..? I never cheated you.. Rishi- Don't lie to me... You both are together in this game.. aren't you..? Sm1- What are you saying..? I really don't understand.. I know what you want but.. Rishi- You know what I want but still you didn't told me... *Why is Rishi so Aggressive..? With whom is he talking..? Is he aware about Sidneet being together..?* Drop your comments you will read continued chat later.. Back to Sidneet POV Avneet- Aunty let's bake cookies today.. Sid's Mom- I was thinking the same.. Avneet- Let me help you then.. Sid's Mom- Sure.. bring choco

Broken Hearts Chapter 22

Avneet's POV I bid bye to my brother and got settled in the train.. I don't know why but I am sad and happy both... Sad bcoz I won't see my brother till my next exams and happy bcoz he is safe.. I never lied to him but I know if he said I should lie to him then he is just assuring that I stay safe.. [Avneet to Readers I know you all are wondering why I am in this train.. or if I am really going to Delhi.. So answer is no.. sid is coming to pick me up on the next station..] Back to Story I was busy in my thoughts when next station arrived and I have to go now.. I stepped out.. and pulled my small luggage when.... *Someone else POV* Sm1- wth.. where is she now..? I am sure she got out of the train.. I saw her clearly.. she and his brother is definitely planning something.. Now I am gonna find her and teach her a good lesson... they will have to pay me in the way I prefer.. I am not sparing them for ditching me... Oh shit.. who is this sm1? Why is he so angry..? Will reve

Broken Hearts Chapter 21

After having breakfast Sidneet went to college... Avneet entered the college and it seemed like all eyes were on her... Everyone thought that she has changed her college.. Krupa- Hey.. where were you..? No calls No texts.. *hugs her* I missed you so much.. Avneet- *hugs her* I missed you too.. Krupa- So miss.. where were you..? Avneet- We will talk after exam.. *krupa nodded and both went to their respective seats in exam hall* After 3 hours everyone is done with exam Avneet's POV I am happy to give my exams.. for an instance I felt that I will have to skip this year exams but thanks to sid.. he helped me so much.. I was busy in my thoughts when Fainnat came Faisu- *waving hand* Hey cutie.. Avneet- Hey.. Jannat- Where is your boy..? Avneet- Sid is.. *stops in middle* Jannat- I didn't took the name.. *laughs and teases her* *They were talking when Krupa joined* Krupa- Hey.. Jannat- Hi.. Krupa- For what you are teasing her.. *with a smile* Faisu- Act

Broken Hearts Chapter 20

Siddharth was tensed as the exams were coming closer.. Sid's POV I know it was wrong what I did.. but if she joins college it is more risky... But I can't decide to waste her hardwork.. I need to find a solution to this.. More days passed and Sidneet and Fainnat were now just doing their final revision.. Day before exam Faisu- Finally I am done with revision.. Jannat- Me too Avneet- Me three 😂😂 Sid- hmm.. Avneet- *snaps* where are you lost..? Faisu- Don't worry You won't Top until we three are there for that place.. *laughs* *Siddharth smiled a bit too* Jannat- See you in the college then.. bye bye.. *Fainnat left* Avneet- What happened..? Sid- Nothing.. Here is your Examination Card.. Avneet- Thank you but don't change the subject.. what is wrong..*being concerned* Sid- Avn.. Avneet- *paying full attention* Sid- I will miss you.. *hugs her* Avneet joins the hug and pats his back Avneet- I will miss you too.. *A tear rolled down sid's eyes.. he wiped it and

Broken Hearts Chapter 19

Avneet was shocked as she wasn't expecting a proposal but she really wanted him to propose.. so she quickly took the rose and hugged him.. Avneet- Who takes so much time to propose.. Sid-... umm... Avneet- I thought you have someone else in your life.. *with a sad pout* Sid- *he hits lightly on her forehead* no one is there in my life but you are a dumbo... Avneet- *gets angry* ohh.. I am a dumbo so you took so much time.. thank god she wasn't too smart or you would never propose her.. *fake laugh while rolling eyes* Sid- Actually I tried proposing you many times.. but you were so busy that all those went in vain.. but but but... I don't want to fight tonight... Avneet- me too *with a happy smile* Sid- he kissed her cheeks and sat on his seat.. *Avneet blushed* Avneet- You made this all..? Sid- ofc.. Avneet- when and how? Sid- You remember that bag.. I spent whole day to get these all things.. Avneet- *smiled looking around* thank you so much.. it means a lot to me..*tea

Broken Hearts Chapter 18

Avneet was leaving when she saw something.. it was a note...  Note says.. hey go to your room and find the most special thing there.. may be you find something.. Avneet quickly went to her room and checked her books... *Lol books kiski fav hoti hai anyways 😂😂* she didn't found anything... She checked here and there and she got another note with a chocolate near her earpods..  Note says "Oh you found me.. I thought books will take time lol.. Next go to the place where you find your fav thing in night to  eat and find me there.." Avneet- *next in kitchen..?* *In mind* let me just catch him for once.. I will surely kill him if he is doing a prank by placing these notes.. I mean okay it is cute but still... She went in kitchen.. Sid's Mom and Dad are now sleeping because all the work is done and they have to wake up early as always... Avneet in kitchen What he meant by my night craving..? Cake..? She opened refrigerator and checked but no clue.. she checked other th

Broken Hearts Chapter 17

Sidneet were romancing when they heard Sid's Mom voice.. Avneet Avneet quickly leaves sid and gets up.. Avneet- Aunty is coming.. thank god she called my name or.. *gate opens* Sid's Mom- oh you are here.. avu plz help me with pancakes.. *Avneet nods and follows her to kitchen* Sid was left in his room with his thoughts.. sid- Or what..? she stole our cute moment.. *in mind* I was just going to propose her man... *he beats the pillow near him and sleeps* At 4'o clock Sid- Avneet plz help me with this equation na.. Avneet- *nods and starts solving the question* Sid was waiting for something.. Avu- Oh sorry sid.. I don't know how to solve this.. Sid- Areee you know that.. turn some pages their is that table of reference... Avu- *shuts the book* Sid actually na I am tired.. I will sleep for now but after some time I will handover you the answer.. Sid- But avu.. *Avneet left*